Site Tag Navigation Index: a content tags directory

This post is part of a series to augment the List of Resources by D.N.Frost available for free download.

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Series Tags mark the different types of serial posts on the blog.

Inspirations: posts sharing things that were inspired or are inspiring
+ The spark tag, content directory at
inspiration & spark: series of my adventures and personal philosophy
+ The guest tag, content directory at
an inspirational resource: series of posts about other people and their projects

+ The collaboration tag
an inspired collaboration: series of collaborations with other people
+ The contribution tag
an inspired contribution: series of contributions to or from other people

Spark: posts sharing my personal creative spark
Content directory at
inspiration & spark: series of my adventures and personal philosophy
an introduction: series of definitions for important content tags

Workshops: posts exploring a writing exercise or concept
Content directory at
a character workshop: series of workshops about characterization
a storycraft workshop: series of writing workshops about storycraft
a style workshop: series of workshops about elements of writing style
a wordsmith workshop: series of writing workshops about wordsmithy

Maps: posts displaying map images
Content directory at
a monthly ballot: series of monthly votes for the best TotKW maps
a regional profile: series of map overviews from the TotKW saga

+ Commissions: posts displaying commissioned maps
Content directory at
a map commission: series of map commission posts

Worldbuilding: posts providing resources on building the TotKW universe
Content directory at
a linguistic resource: series about the TotKW constructed languages
a mapping resource: series about mapping the TotKW universe
a mystic resource: series about the TotKW magic system

Resources: posts providing more resources for readers, writers, and world-builders
Content directory at
an inspirational resource: series of posts about other platforms
a resource & inspiration: series of collaborations with other platforms

+ Directories: posts providing a directory of content
Content directory at
a resource directory: series of content directories

Books: posts referring to published TotKW books
Content directory at
TotKW Book Profiles: series of detail pages for each book
+ Samples: posts providing samples of TotKW prose
a sample chapter: series of sample chapters

Prophesy: posts providing samples of prophetic verse
Content directory at
a riddle in rhyme: series of TotKW prophesies

Content Tags refer to specific content within a blog post or series.

★s: review posts that describe or overview a published work
Praise for Awakening TotKW reviews for Book One by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + totkw = praise for TotKW series, about the reviews for the saga
Indie Book Reviews: ratings and recommendations of fellow independent authors A review directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + guest = a book review series, about my reviews for other indie authors
apprentice: cartography posts about the apprentices who make the TotKW Atlas
archetype: character posts about character archetypes
art: inspiration posts featuring artwork
atlas: map posts for the Atlas of the Known World
Maps of Broken: fictional cartography from Book 2 #TotKW An atlas directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + totkw = a TotKW map series, about the maps of the saga
cartography: map posts about map-making
What is Cartography? An introduction to the nuances of fictional map-making #TotKW A cartography resource by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is Cartography? about this tag
Cartography of Mother's Gate: the mapping process from the First Chronicles #TotKW A mapping directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + resources = a cartography resource series, about mapping my Known World
Tools for Worldbuilding: workshops and concepts to build your world A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a cartography workshop series, about mapping your own world
character: storycraft posts about characterization
What is a Character? An introduction to character building for writers A character workshop by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is a Character? about this tag
Workshops on Writing: tools and concepts to improve your craft A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a character workshop series, about characterization topics
collaboration: guest posts featuring my collaborations with others
contribution: guest posts featuring contributions to or from others
cosmic: any posts about consciousness, spiritual or universal concepts
cosplay: inspiration posts featuring cosplay
culture: any posts about culture or anthropology
What is Culture? An introduction to my love of diversity and humanity #TotKW A cultural resource by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is Culture? about this tag
Codex of Mother's Gate: building the Known World for the First Chronicles #TotKW A worldbuilding directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + resources = a cultural resource series, about cultures of my Known World
Tools for Worldbuilding: workshops and concepts to build your world A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a cultural workshop series, about cultures for your own world
exclusive: resource posts for exclusive downloads
fan: contribution posts featuring contributions from fans of TotKW
Gamers of the Known World Your fan-art and TotKW cosplay #TotKW by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 + totkw = a fan contribuition series, about fan-art and cosplay for the saga
flow: style posts about writing flow
giveaway: resource posts with giveaway forms
guest: inspiration posts written by or about other people and their projects
What is a Guest? An introduction to my collaborations and clients An inspirational resource by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is a Guest? about this tag
Guest Content: inspiring projects and the cool people who create them An inspiration directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + resources = an inspirational resource series, about outside projects
language: any posts about language or linguistics, as opposed to writing
What is Language? An introduction to my use of linguistics #TotKW A language resource by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is Language? about this tag
Language of Mother's Gate: exploring the languages of the First Chronicles #TotKW A linguistic directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + resources = a language resource series, about languages for my Known World
Tools for Worldbuilding: workshops and concepts to build your world A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a language workshop series, about languages for your own world
magic: any posts about magic, real or invented
What is Magic? An introduction to my understanding of mystic energies #TotKW A magic resource by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is Magic? about this tag
Magic of Mother's Gate: the magics and systems from the saga's First Chronicles #TotKW A mystic directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + resources = a magic resource series, about magic in my Known World
Tools for Worldbuilding: workshops and concepts to build your world A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a magic workshop series, about magic for your own world
meter: poetry posts about poetic meter
poetry: writing posts about poetry
prophesy: any posts about prophesy or divination
Portents of Broken: prophetic riddles in rhyme from Book 2 #TotKW A prophesy directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + totkw = a riddle in rhyme series, about the prophesy for the saga
rhyme: poetry posts about rhyme
spark: inspiration posts about my personal inspirations
What is Spark? An introduction to my personal inspirations #TotKW Inspiration and spark by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is Spark? about this tag
My Personal Spark: creative ideas that inspire me #TotKW An inspiration directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + totkw = inspiration and spark series, about the inspirations for my saga
storycraft: writing posts about storytelling and craft
What is Storycraft? An introduction to the art of storytelling A storycraft workshop by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part 1 of a series. + introductions = What is Storycraft? about this tag
Workshops on Writing: tools and concepts to improve your craft A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a storycraft workshop series, about storytelling topics
style: writing posts about style, fusing storycraft and wordsmith elements
What is Style? An introduction to your writing style A style workshop by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is Style? about this tag
Workshops on Writing: tools and concepts to improve your craft A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a style workshop series, about elements of style
tarot: cosmic posts about tarot concepts
TotKW: any posts regarding the Tales of the Known World saga
What is TotKW? My fantasy saga, Tales of the Known World #TotKW An introduction by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is TotKW? about this tag
Books of the Known World: tales from the epic fantasy saga #TotKW A book directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + books = a TotKW book series, about the books of the saga
voice: style posts about writing voice
vote: guest posts with vote or poll forms
wordsmith: writing posts about words or manuscripts
What is a Wordsmith? An introduction to crafting words into manuscripts A wordsmith workshop by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part 2 of a series. + introductions = What is a Wordsmith? about this tag
Workshops on Writing: tools and concepts to improve your craft A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a wordsmith workshop series, about manuscript topics
worldbuilding: storycraft posts about worldbuilding
What is Worldbuilding? An introduction to the creation of intricate settings #TotKW A worldbuilding resource by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + introductions = What is Worldbuilding? about this tag
Codex of Mother's Gate: building the Known World for the First Chronicles #TotKW A worldbuilding directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + resources = a worldbuilding resource series, about building my Known World
Tools for Worldbuilding: workshops and concepts to build your world A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a worldbuilding workshop series, about building your own world
writing: any posts about writing
My Personal Spark: creative ideas that inspire me #TotKW An inspiration directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + spark = inspiration and spark series, about the inspirations for my saga
Workshops on Writing: tools and concepts to improve your craft A workshop directory by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series. + workshops = a writing workshop series, about the writing craft

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