Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Portent V of Broken: a riddle in rhyme

Portent V of Broken: the prince is born on builder's reef www.DNFrost.com/prophesy #TotKW A riddle in rhyme by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series.
In the novel Broken, there are 24 portents fortelling the events of the unfolding saga.

Start with Portent I here.

These and other riddles in rhyme are gathered in the Portents Directory for you to explore.


The prince is born on builder's reef
To father's word and mother's grief
In duty shunted to the shore
To sighted land for coming war (I)

His advent clears the palace house
Who dynasty and truth espouse
While prophesy of import lost
Defies the dead at deadly cost

Across the waves the daemons sail
Beneath the waves a bloody trail
As rushes prince to father's side
To sacred truth of time abide. (II)

Can you decode the future Tales of the Known World?

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Comment below with your take on this portent.

This prophesy was said 32 years before Broken takes place, and it is referenced within the story as Tirrok explores the circumstances of his birth on his quest to the world of the merfolk.

Where is the builder's reef, and what prophesy of import lost do you think this portent heralds?

Download the Prophesy Appendix:

The merfolk culture is built on the prophetic Gift. Nearly all men produce a portent every twenty days, and they devote their lives to interpretation. For more about the role and inner workings of prophesy, check out the Prophesy Appendix above.

Alongside every prophesy is an attribution block. This block contains a byline giving the name of the person who said the prophesy, and a dateline giving the day the prophesy was first said. Here is the attribution for this portent:
Gynlen Njyae Dynde VI
1:2:3:4/13, 7:3:2 IX
V:I 2:1:2:2/11, 8:1:2
V:II 3:1:4:6/5, III:IX
The portent attributed here references multiple events that come to pass in sections called tatters. An additional tatter dateline has been added to the attribution for each tatter, noting the date when that segment of the portent will come to pass.

That's it for this post! Up Next: Imbues anew the land of yore...

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