Monday, May 1, 2017

Portent XI of Broken: a riddle in rhyme

Portent XI of Broken: rejoin the caverns from the sky #TotKW A riddle in rhyme by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series.
In the novel Broken, there are 24 portents fortelling the events of the unfolding saga.

Start with Portent I here.

These and other riddles in rhyme are gathered in the Portents Directory for you to explore.


To bitter end the forests clasp
Relent and heed the call
To wrest themselves from hollow grasp
Of hatred's bitter sprawl

In bonded fate their hearts arise
And under curse renowned
Release the long engendered ties
Of enmity unbound

With aid at last to foes reply
Their winged spears untold
Rejoin the caverns from the sky
To smite the curse of old.

Can you decode the future Tales of the Known World?

Share your interpretation!
Comment below with your take on this portent.

This portent tells of an ancient curse broken when a people come to the aid of their enemies. Who do you think released the long engendered ties of enmity unbound, and what foes share their bonded fate?

Download the Prophesy Appendix:

The merfolk culture is built on the prophetic Gift. Nearly all men produce a portent every twenty days, and they devote their lives to interpretation. For more about the role and inner workings of prophesy, check out the Prophesy Appendix above.

Alongside every prophesy is an attribution block. This block contains a byline giving the name of the person who said the prophesy, and a dateline giving the day the prophesy was first said. Here is the attribution for this portent:
Ranyik Rwahnna Rovikya V
2:2:4:7/5, III:IX
The portent attributed here has not yet been interpreted. It was said recently, and it will be repeated every twenty days until either it is correctly interpreted, or it comes to pass.

That's it for this post! Up Next: In exiled shadow voice invites...

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