Monday, May 25, 2015

Towns of Babylon: a map commission

This post is Part 3 of a series to augment the Fictional Cartography by D.N.Frost available for free download. Start with Part 1 here.

This and other map commissions are gathered in my Portfolio Directory for you to explore.

Find more guest-inspired content in my Guest Directory.

I deviated from the process outlined in Part 1 of this series to plot the towns first, because Steve had exact coordinates for all his towns and islands. This allowed me to verify all his coordinates were on land before I worked on subsequent map elements like the mountains, colors, and text.

Plotting all these coordinates was more time-consuming than I'd expected. Certain coastal cities wound up out to sea or too far inland, and I had to adjust the coastlines to match their locations. I had to re-draw many of the islands from scratch.

Check out this Fictional Cartography by D.N.Frost for more maps!

For the island nation of Corinth, Steve opted to shift all the coordinates east toward the Babylon mainland.

The original coordinates were centered in the 120 E range, but Steve asked me to plot them in the 140 E range.

He had so many coordinates for towns and islands that many of them overlapped. I plotted them all, deciding to ask him which ones to eliminate.

I added some color to make it easier on my eyes, but the sheer number of towns and islands exhausted the hours I'd quoted Steve for the project. I threw in a free hour to finish the plotting and sent him a new render to see how he wanted to proceed from there. Due to my miscalculation of time required to plot all his towns, we agreed to add one more hour to the commission budget so the map could be finished.

Steve sent me a final sketch of mountain ranges and lakes to add to the map.

He selected a font for the map names and a separate font for the map title, both of which I downloaded and installed on my computer.

Steve also told me which towns to eliminate from the map to prevent overlapping, and he gave me new coordinates for a few towns to have a bit more space on the map. We were in the final stages of the mapping process, and I was really excited to create a finished product that both of us could be proud of.

Steve then asked me to shift the islands of Corinth even closer to the dateline, which was fairly easy.

We confirmed the new coordinates for accuracy, and I shifted the islands eastward one last time.

After tracing lakes into the shape of the continents and adding mountain ranges where he needed them, I revamped the map colors and sent Steve a final render.

The map was beautiful and really exceeded my expectations despite all my experience making my Maps of the Known World. There was space in the render for a few more labels if he had names to add, and he supplied me with the names of a few mountain ranges and seas to help even out the empty space.

That's it for this post! Up Next: Wrapping up the finished map...

Want to bring your own world to life? We can map your world.
You deserve a professional map you can be proud to share.

Download Fictional Cartography by D.N.Frost here, or start your adventure below.

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Friday, May 15, 2015

The Katei Ocean: a map for Awakening

The Katei Ocean: lifeblood of trade routes and pirates alike #TotKW A map for Awakening by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part 10 of a series.
This post is Part 10 of a series to augment the Atlas of the Known World available for free download. Start with Part 1 here.

This and other TotKW maps are gathered in my Map Directory for you to explore.


The Katei Ocean
The Katei Ocean: lifeblood of trade routes and pirates alike #TotKW A map for Awakening by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part 10 of a series.
Lifeblood of trade routes and pirates alike.

Geography and Climate

In Chapter 7 of Awakening, the Katei Ocean lies at the heart of the Known World. This body of water connects the eastern lands of Kholl and Dohar with the western lands of Allana and Kanata.

Renowned for its powerful clockwise gyre, the Katei Ocean supports the merchant fleets that circulate the Known World. The currents from the frigid north bring nutrient-rich waters into the warmer southern regions, which in turn carry temperate waters and gentler weather up Allana's east coast.

This region also borders the Gulf of Lohki, the Back Rishi, and the Sutek Desert.

Flora and Fauna

In the southwestern corner of the Katei Ocean, vast kelp beds take advantage of the swift currents converging there. Innumerable crabs, shrimp, and small fish inhabit these kelp forests, as do a few diminutive species of sea wyverns. Along the western edge of the Katei, cultivated coral reefs form the mer settlements of Rovikya, where schools of parrotfish used for coral landscaping and domesticated herds of sea wyverns have replaced the wild creatures that once roamed its temperate waters. The eastern Katei is mostly open ocean dotted with islands, and the merfolk share tales of sharks and eerie fish that dwell in the depths beneath the light of day.

People and Dress

The mers of Rovikya wear no clothing, but are easily distinguished by their fanned tail-fins and semi-circular scales. An earless race, the Rovikye sport the characteristic rib-stribes common to the western reefs, and their arm webbing spans from hip to the first knuckle of each hand. Allied with the other mers of the Known Oceans, most particularly the ones at Dynde, Rovikyan mers are peaceable but prejudiced folk who contribute to the collection and analysis of prophesy across reefs. While the reefs along Allana's eastern coasts are populated almost exclusively by blue mers, the green mers who do not provide cheap labor are sequestered to the south of these reefs, in the swift currents and thick kelp beds known as Sonne Rovikya.

Native Magic

For all mers, magic divisions align less with regional boundaries and more with the color of a mer's scales. Green mers excel at elemental and sensory magics, with their water and light magics far exceeding that of their blue cousins. Greens, however, are poor with special magics, and it is the prophetic Gift of the blue mers that triggered their rise to superiority. While the blue women are able to scry and see visions of the future, the blue men are able to slip into prophetic trances and predict the future verbally, which has led to rajaweh, large male-run libraries of prophesy dating back thousands of years.

Check out the Magic Codex of the Known World to learn more.

Cultural Values and Traditions

Due to the prevalence of prophesy in mer life, foreknowledge is valued over all else. A virtuous woman must use her visions of the future to aid the governing seyodi. A virtuous man must provide his prophesies and analytic services to his local rajaweh library. Because only the blue mers have the prophetic Gift, blue is considered the most esteemed color, rich with magic and favored by the deity called Mother. In fact, the mer word for blue, raja, is also the mer word for king, and it's used in the compound word rajaweh. There is nothing more offensive to a blue mer than to be likened to one of their Giftless green cousins, so more common and less flagrant insults tend to impugn a blue's prophetic contributions to the community.

Age is measured in years using the solunar tables of the ancient merfolk calendar, with the new year beginning on the winter solstice at 1:1:1:1 of each year. Coming of age, however, is rarely celebrated. Families are matriarchal, and daughters come to assist their mothers in legislation and administration of law in the civilian seyodi upon reaching adulthood. Sons, on the other hand, come of age and join their absent fathers in the rajaweh to perform their highest calling of contributing and interpreting the foreknowledge accessed through their prophetic Gift.

Warriors and Guardians

Though blue mers do not wage war in order to better pursue knowledge of the future, the green mers of Sonne Rovikya have developed their own brand of violence outside the strictures of seyodi law. Without a police authority to maintain order, numerous gangs jockey for supremacy under the cover of the kelp forest in which they live, and few escape the pervasive reach of gang rivalry. While spilling blood is avoided to prevent attracting sharks, conflicting greens often use bludgeoning weapons to intimidate and extort brothels, casinos, and honest businesses alike.


The Rovikye speak the language of the merfolk, Vyehedaryn, or Meri, as it's more commonly known on land. A genesis language for the land-tongue Allanic, Meri is not intelligible to the landfolk, but it sounds archaic and somewhat familiar, as many Allanic words were once rooted in the Meri language. The lyrical tongue of the merfolk is written in a curvaceous script stacked in rows from bottom to top, and due to extensive documentation and cross-referencing of prophesies across millennia, Meri has changed very little throughout recorded history.

Check out the Language Codex of the Known World to learn more.

Characters from The Known World

Awakening is a potent tale of self-discovery. Experience this gripping fantasy adventure and discover yourself within. #TotKW
In the book Awakening, Larin and Jorn escape slavery in Kholl to cross the Katei Ocean on a Kanatan merchant ship.

En route to their destination at Port Myre, their ship encounters a deadly wave sent by a mer.

Through pleading with the lady mer, Larin learns that she's connected her visions of death to their ship's impending arrival.

Larin saves the ship by reminding the lady mer that her dreadful vision will come to pass no matter what, but she and Jorn are left with no way to avoid the foreseen devastation.

That's it for this post! Up Next: Tropical paradise of plantations and aristocrats...

Download the Atlas of the Known World here, or start your adventure below.

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Monday, May 11, 2015

Linnea Tanner: an inspired collaboration

This post is Part 1 of a series to augment the Guest Resources available for free download.

This and other guest-inspired content is gathered in my Guest Directory for you to explore.

Find more tarot-related content in my Tarot Gallery.

Recently, I created a guest post for Linnea Tanner. I discovered Linnea on Twitter, where she shares pictures and posts about the ancient Celts. Linnea writes historical fantasy set in ancient Britain, and she blogs about Celtic history, mythology, and the culture of spirit warriors.

I've always loved delving into the traditions of other cultures, and the ancient Celts are no exception. The realm of my Tales of the Known World saga was inspired by a multitude of cultures and societal notions, as well as a pantheon of mythologies. I thought it would be good to connect with Linnea, and I wanted to offer her something of value for her blog. The only problem? I was intimidated.

Check out these Guest Resources for more inspirational content!

Linnea posts lots of long articles with numerous pictures of Celtic artifacts. Each has a references section with a bibliography, and each contains detailed and historically accurate information about the life, history, and mysticism of the ancient Celts. How could I possibly conjure the Celtic information to make a blog post for Linnea, when I go to her blog for Celtic information?

Then it struck me. I have a Celtic-themed tarot card deck full of Celtic symbolism. Linnea wrote a lot about Celtic spirit warriors and their connection with ravens. One of my tarot cards, The Warrior, showed a Celtic warrior woman, and another card, The Page of Swords, depicted a raven. Reading through the symbolism of these two cards, I discovered a host of interrelated knowledge about warriors, ravens, and other Celtic symbols. It would make the perfect contribution to Linnea's blog, her books, and her readers.

With enthusiasm, I sent my offer to Linnea, and she replied the very same day. My idea was right up her alley, but I was still nervous about creating a legitimate post with a bibliography for her blog. Once the post was revised and formatted, however, I realized I'd gone from panicked intimidation to resonant pride in what I had done. I sent Linnea the finished post and images, and she responded with delight. Linnea uploaded the post on her website, and the rest is history.

You can connect with Linnea
at here.

And be sure to subscribe to Linnea's awesome blog, if you haven't already!

That's it for this post! Up Next: The actual guest post content...

Download the Guest Resources here, or start your adventure below.

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Friday, May 1, 2015

Portent X of Awakening: a riddle in rhyme

In the novel Awakening, there are 23 portents fortelling the events of the unfolding saga.

Start with Portent I here.

These and other riddles in rhyme are gathered in the Portents Directory for you to explore.


When scattered band in grief amassed
By binder's legacy aghast
In dead of night he creeps within
To reunite with kinless kin

When lost is found with silent ears
The found is lost to darker years
And stems the tide of sorrow's bite
Reviving shattered master's might.

Can you decode the future Tales of the Known World?

Share your interpretation!
Comment below with your take on this portent.

Though a bit on the shorter side, this portent is super cool! It is quoted before two scenes in Chapter 2 of Awakening, which you can read in the free ebook here.

This prophesy comes to pass about halfway through Book 3. Who do you think the kinless kin are?

Download the Prophesy Appendix:

The merfolk culture is built on the prophetic Gift. Nearly all men produce a portent every twenty days, and they devote their lives to interpretation. For more about the role and inner workings of prophesy, check out the Prophesy Appendix above.

Alongside every prophesy is an attribution block. This block contains a byline giving the name of the person who said the prophesy, and a dateline giving the day the prophesy was first said. Here is the attribution for this portent:
Sohli Nlyndwnvi Rovikya XVIII
1:2:2:3/5, III:IX
The portent attributed here has not yet been interpreted. It was said recently, and it will be repeated every twenty days until either it is correctly interpreted, or it comes to pass.

That's it for this post! Up Next: What loosed the Nine Hells black and deep...

For the Prophesy Appendix, enter your email above.

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