Thursday, May 5, 2022

Elemental Rares: a magic resource

This post is Part 2 of a series to augment the Magic of the Known World available for free download. Start with Part 1 here.

This and other mystic resources are gathered in my Magic Directory for you to explore.

Find more worldbuilding content in my Codex Directory.

As explained in Part 1 of this series, magic is prevalent in the Known World, and generations of magic scholars have compiled their observations to create the Magic Codex, a functioning taxonomy of magic.

This post series corresponds with Magic Codex Chapter 6 - Rare Magics.

Within the codex, the term elemental is located at (6.1) and is defined as:
elemental (N) A legendary person with one of twelve rare forms of elemental magic.

In my Tales of the Known World saga, the word elemental refers to a person with rare magic whose cardinal powers are from the elemental branch (as in, That man is an elemental, or, Some elementals are rarer than others).

Unlike the natural magics of a normal person, an elemental does not have access to special magic. The standard sensory magics for his race are present but middling, and his two elemental magics are cardinal.

The specific combination of prime and latent purviews in this elemental pairing determines the type of rare magic an elemental wields. Each elemental falls into one of four categories, depending on the purview of his prime magic.

The four types are air elemental, water elemental, earth elemental, and dark elemental.

Check out the Magic of the Known World for more resources!

Within the codex, the term air elemental is located at (6.1.1) and is defined as:
air elemental (N) A legendary person with one of three rare forms of air magic.

The term air elemental refers to an elemental with air magic as his cardinal prime magic (as in, A weather witch is an air elemental, or, One air elemental could create droughts).

These individuals are profoundly powerful mages, able to take air magic far beyond the normal scope of mortals. Most air elementals are able to perform all the spells in the purview of air with legendary ability, and all the spells in their latent purview with excellent ability.

The three types of air elemental are the stormbringer, the dust devil, and the backfire.

A stormbringer combines air and water magic to gain purview over the weather, and can make the day rain or shine at will. He is also able to create and control massive hurricanes, tornadoes, and other storms.

A dust devil combines air and earth magic to gain purview over sand and dust, and can make the day hazy or clear at will. He is also able to create and control massive dust storms, sand storms, and sand dunes.

A backfire combines air and dark magic to gain purview over the climate, and can make the days hotter at will. He is also able to create and control massive droughts and wildfires.

For more about these magic users, see Chapter 6 of the Magic Codex available below.

Download the complete Magic Codex:

The Known World is rife with magic. Over time, scholars have compiled all these magics and magical effects into a comprehensive taxonomy. For more about the role and inner workings of magic, check out the complete Magic Codex above.

Within the codex, the term water elemental is located at (6.1.2) and is defined as:
water elemental (N) A legendary person with one of three rare forms of water magic.

The term water elemental refers to an elemental with water magic as his cardinal prime magic (as in, A sea witch is a water elemental, or, One water elemental could create deserts).

These individuals are profoundly powerful mages, able to take water magic far beyond the normal scope of mortals. Most water elementals are able to perform all the spells in the purview of water with legendary ability, and all the spells in their latent purview with excellent ability.

The three types of water elemental are the tidal wave, the sea witch, and the death mage.

A tidal wave combines water and air magic to gain purview over sea levels, and can make the tide high or low at will. He is also able to create and control massive tidal shifts and ocean currents.

A sea witch combines water and earth magic to gain purview over erosion, and can change the shape of coastlines at will. He is also able to create and control massive sandbars, shoals, and islands in shallow seas.

A death mage combines water and dark magic to gain purview over desiccation, and can remove the moisture from anything at will. He is also able to create and control massive deserts, salt flats, and dry lake beds.

For more about these magic users, see Chapter 6 of the Magic Codex available above.

Check out the Magic of the Known World for more resources!

Within the codex, the term earth elemental is located at (6.1.3) and is defined as:
earth elemental (N) A legendary person with one of three rare forms of earth magic.

The term earth elemental refers to an elemental with earth magic as his cardinal prime magic (as in, A swamp witch is an earth elemental, or, Some earth elementals can create earthquakes).

These individuals are profoundly powerful mages, able to take earth magic far beyond the normal scope of mortals. Most earth elementals are able to perform all the spells in the purview of earth with legendary ability, and all the spells in their latent purview with excellent ability.

The three types of earth elemental are the tunneler, the swamp witch, and the tectonic.

A tunneler combines earth and air magic to gain purview over cave systems, and can make caverns expand or collapse at will. He is also able to create and control massive rifts, cliffs, and tunnels.

A swamp witch combines earth and water magic to gain purview over floodwaters, and can make the land flood or drain at will. He is also able to create and control massive landslides, swamps, and quicksands.

A tectonic combines earth and dark magic to gain purview over the earth's crust, and can make the ground tremble at will. He is also able to create and control massive earthquakes, upheavals, and faultline shifts.

For more about these magic users, see Chapter 6 of the Magic Codex available below.

Download the complete Magic Codex:

The Known World is rife with magic. Over time, scholars have compiled all these magics and magical effects into a comprehensive taxonomy. For more about the role and inner workings of magic, check out the complete Magic Codex above.

Within the codex, the term dark elemental is located at (6.1.4) and is defined as:
dark elemental (N) A legendary person with one of three rare forms of dark magic.

The term dark elemental refers to an elemental with dark magic as his cardinal prime magic (as in, A vulcan is a dark elemental, or, Some dark elementals can create explosions).

These individuals are profoundly powerful mages, able to take dark magic far beyond the normal scope of mortals. Most dark elementals are able to perform all the spells in the purview of dark with legendary ability, and all the spells in their latent purview with excellent ability.

The three types of dark elemental are the bomber, the geyser, and the vulcan.

A bomber combines dark and air magic to gain purview over shockwaves, and can make concussive forces at will. He is also able to create and control massive explosions, whether they involve fire, shrapnel, or both.

A geyser combines dark and water magic to gain purview over steam pressure, and can draw steam from the earth at will. He is also able to create and control massive geysers, hot springs, and vents in the earth.

A vulcan combines dark and earth magic to gain purview over magma and lava, and can melt terrain at will. He is also able to create and control massive volcanoes, eruptions, and lava flows.

For more about these magic users, see Chapter 6 of the Magic Codex available above.

That's it for this post! Up Next: The five types of sensate rares...

For the complete Magic Codex, enter your email above.

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