Saturday, January 29, 2022

Language of Awakening: a linguistic atlas

This post is part of a series to augment the Codex of the Known World available for free download.

This and other linguistic resources are gathered in my Language Directory for you to explore.

Find more maps and atlas content in my Map Directory.

Within the Atlas of the Known World, each map entry describes the language of that region. This directory reorganizes the maps from Awakening into alphabetical order by language.

Click the thumbnails below to read about each dialect, the way it is written, and the people who speak it.


Lilting tongue of the elusive nymphs.

Glades of Despair, from Awakening
This isolated language is fluid and nuanced, with few consonants and a slew of assorted vowels. It varies between villages and family groups.

It is spoken primarily in the Glades of Despair and has influenced the language of Old Ryerin.


The common tongue that unites the world.

The Known World, from Awakening
This modern language is the dominant tongue used by most people. It varies by region and contains numerous loan words.

It is spoken throughout most of the Known World and individual areas have developed their own dialects.

Explore more details of this language here:

Plains of Rishi, from Awakening Front Rishi, from Awakening Back Rishi, from Awakening D'jed Mts, from Awakening Draconan Mts, from Awakening Forests of Kalrein, from Awakening Sutek Desert, from Awakening Kanata, from Awakening

The following entries also mention Allanic:

Kholl, from Awakening Khollek Mts, from Awakening Katei Ocean, from Awakening Gulf of Lohki, from Awakening Desperate Sea, from Awakening Glades of Despair, from Awakening


Also known as The Dark Tongue.

Khollek Mts, from Awakening
This sibilant language is spoken by the enemies of Allana. It features strange consonants and many syllables without vowels.

It is an elite language, spoken only by the Colkh'rak rulers of the Khollek Mountains located in western Kholl.

Download your worldbuilding guide Codex of the Known World here.


Melodic tongue of the free men of Kholl.

Kholl, from Awakening
This lyrical language is spoken by the rebels of the Heleki Desert in Kholl, who fight against the Colkh'rak oppressors occupying the neighboring mountains.

It is related to the tongue of the merfolk and is viciously suppressed by the Colkh'rak regime.

Discover its speakers and their writing here.


Ancestral tongue of the mountain elves.

D'jed Mountains, from Awakening
This ancient language is endangered, in part because its runes are used to write modern Allanic.

It has seen a revival amongst urban youth as a symbol of elf solidarity within the greater Allanic empire.

It is spoken primarily in the southern D'jed Mountains.

Explore more details of this language here:
The Known World, from Awakening Plains of Rishi, from Awakening Back Rishi, from Awakening

The following entries also mention Ka'e:

A'lara City, from Awakening Old Ryerin, from Awakening


Musical tongue of the northern faeries.

Forests of Kalrein, from Awakening
This rhythmic language is distinguished by its three primary tones. In modern times, it is mostly used for rituals and ceremonies.

It is spoken primarily in the Forests of Kalrein and is one of the heritage languages of the Known World.


Sibilant tongue of the enslaved mountain folk.

Khollek Mts, from Awakening
This hissing language is derived from the tongue of the Colkh'rak overlords, blended with Trophek, the ancestral language of the native mountain folk.

It is spoken primarily in the Khollek Mountains, known for its strange sounds and infrequent vowels.

It is the more dominant of the two languages of Kholl, and many merchants from Kanata learn it as a trade language.

Download your worldbuilding guide Codex of the Known World here.


Secret tongue of the prophetic merfolk.

Katei Ocean, from Awakening
This elite language is known as Vyehedaryn to its speakers, though the landfolk call it Meri.

Due to extensive written archives for past millennia, it varies little by region.

It is spoken throughout the Known Seas, the most populous areas lying in the Katei Ocean.

Explore more details of this language here:
Gulf of Lohki, from Awakening Desperate Sea, from Awakening

The following entries also mention the merfolk language:

The Known World, from Awakening Kanata, from Awakening


Lost tongue of the fallen tree elves.

Old Ryerin, from Awakening
This extinct language was the first universal tongue of the Known World. It was a dialect of Meri, the tongue of the merfolk.

It was spoken by the prosperous tree elves of Old Ryerin, whose kingdom marked the height of civilization in the Golden Age.

Discover its speakers and their writing here.


Proud tongue of the desert tribes.

Sutek Desert, from Awakening
This modern language is an isolated dialect of Allanic spoken only by the people of the Sutek Desert. Ancient Suteki was more akin to Meri, the merfolk tongue.

The pegasi riders of the Sutek Desert also use a language of hand signals, which is substantially similar to that of the gryphon riders in the Front Rishi.


Frightening tongue of the cursed daemons.

Nine Hells, from Awakening
This sibilant language is the unifying tongue of the Nine Hells. It contains no vowels, and it sounds like a crush of terrible hisses.

It is spoken by the sentient daemons of the inner Hells, from the Fifth Hell through the Eighth Hell to the Ninth Hell.

Download your worldbuilding guide Codex of the Known World here.


Forgotten tongue of the island men.

Forests of Kalrein, from Awakening
This dying language is still spoken by a smattering of pirates across the eastern archipelago. It is related to Meri, the merfolk tongue.

It has influenced the dialect of Allanic spoken in Kanata and is one of the heritage languages of the Known World.


Heritage tongue of the mountain men.

Draconan Mts, from Awakening
This tuneful language is all but extinct in the Known World, though it is still spoken in the Trophek Reaches of northeastern Allana.

It is the heritage language of the Draconan Mountains and has influenced the dialect of Allanic there.

It is also the heritage language of the Khollek Mountains located in western Kholl, where it influenced the Khollic language.


Secret tongue of the prophetic merfolk.

Katei Ocean, from Awakening
This elite language is known as Vyehedaryn to its speakers, though the landfolk call it Meri.

Due to extensive written archives for past millennia, it varies little by region.

It is spoken throughout the Known Seas, the most populous areas lying in the Katei Ocean.

Explore more details of this language here:
Gulf of Lohki, from Awakening Desperate Sea, from Awakening

The following entries also mention the merfolk language:

The Known World, from Awakening Kanata, from Awakening

That's it for this post! Check out the latest linguistic resources for more.

Download the Codex of the Known World here, or start your adventure below.

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