Gamers of the Known World: a fan art directory

You're invited to use the TotKW world in your gaming circles.

And when you do, PLEASE submit your fanart, fanfiction, stories from RP games, and cosplay.

I'll share you here with other TotKW fans.

Contribue photos and videos to this Google Photos Album for all Gamers of the Known World Fanart.

Submit anecdotes and fanfic via email! Use my contact page, or

Be sure to include any links or image URLs you want posted.

To help you create your own adventures in the Known World, I've compiled some of my best world-building notes on the Resources page. Check back for the latest extras and bonus content, or subscribe to updates twice monthly.

For those of you with worlds of your own, check out my mapping services on the Commissions page. Whatever your world, a map will help you bring it to life!

"If you are a gamer, my book is for you."

What is TotKW? My fantasy saga, Tales of the Known World #TotKW An introduction by D.N.Frost @DNFrost13 Part of a series.
From the online role-players and costumed LARPers, to the fanfic writers and tabletop dice-rollers...

I've drawn maps and outlined cultures for you to build into your own adventures.

My tales aren't the only stories in the Known World, and unlike most authors, I invite you to take part with your own games.

- What is TotKW?
excerpts from your invitation

The rest of this page is dedicated to all you TotKW gamers. Scroll to enjoy contributions from fans like you.

Haisrir, by William Ray

Haisrir, from Awakening: Book One. Rough sketch by William Ray of Evil Pastry studios, 2009. Haisrir, Awakening, & the Tales of the Known World series by D.N.Frost. #TotKW

Meet Haisrir!

He's a tree elf from the very first chapter of Awakening.

The talented William Ray of Evil Pastry Studios shared this rough sketch with me back in 2009.

I believe he used a tablet in Photoshop to whip this up.

Though he did it in under 5 minutes, it still looks wicked cool.

Remember, this is a rough sketch. You should definitely see his finished works.

William Ray does both original and fandom-themed art for Evil Pastry Studios.
Shop Evil Pastry Studios: Art Prints & Shirts
Follow Evil Pastry Studios: on Facebook, on DevArt, & @Evil_Pastry

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