Saturday, June 5, 2021

Magic of the Known World: a mystic directory

This post is part of a series to augment the Magic of the Known World available for free download.

This and other mystic resources are gathered in my Magic Directory for you to explore.

Find more worldbuilding content in my Codex Directory.

Hello, there! Thanks for your interest in the magic of my world. My name is D.N.Frost, and I'm a fantasy author, world-builder, and creative mentor. I began by organizing the magic powers of characters in my Tales of the Known World saga, and after nearly a decade of additions and redactions, I set out to create a flexible magic system that can allow for virtually any type of power.

How do the countless magics in the saga really work? I combined the beloved powers of fantasy heroes and villains with real-world spiritual precepts about the nature of energy and miracles. To navigate the vibrant and adaptable magic system that evolved, please enjoy this collection of short overviews and in-depth resources from TotKW Books.

Download your mystic guide Magic of the Known World here.

These are resources about the magic of my fantasy world. Explore the inner workings of the powers showcased in the saga, and discover the numerous magics not yet mentioned in the books. If you are a world-builder creating your own magic system, this download will connect you with details to inspire your creative project.

This resource directory also links to a number of magic overviews and longer blog posts, so you can delve deep into your favorite powers. I'm proud to offer you this compilation of magic system information, and I hope you use this resource to enhance your enjoyment of my saga.

That's it for this post! Check out the latest mystic resources for more.

Download the Magic of the Known World here, or start your adventure below.

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  1. Thanks for visiting! What made you check out this post?


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