Books of the Known World: the epic fantasy saga

This page is part of a series to augment the Chronicles of Mother's Gate available for free download.

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Book Two: Broken

An empowering tale of beginning anew.

Book Two: Broken, by D.N.Frost #TotKW
Divided in purpose and forsaken by prophesy, the legendary elf Kingard and his fractured team splinter under the burdens of impending war.

But looming beyond the eastern horizon, their enemies ready a ghastly armada.

Without new portents to guide them, Kingard and his allies face a blind rush to defend their imperiled empire.

Read Chapter 1 and see Reviews.

Third Bookend:
Vast Asleep & Ride Awake

Epilogue of Book II & Prologue of Book III

He opened his eyes. The beam was sharpened at the end; he blinked in confusion up at the bloody tip looming above his head. The angle seemed strange, so strange...

Slowly, his eyes trailed down the beam, past the odd print of his forehead in the blood. He strained, tucking his chin to follow the beam until – oh no.

This two-part novella contains both the epilogue of Book Two and the prologue of Book Three in the Chronicles of Mother's Gate series.

It is the third bookend of the Tales of the Known World saga, is best read after finishing the second book, Broken.

Download the free sample!

Book One: Awakening

A potent tale of self-discovery.

Awakening: Book I, by D.N.Frost The first adventure from TotKW Books.
United by fate and guided by prophesy, the legendary elf Kingard leads a band of fugitives to oust an ancient evil infiltrating the imperial capital.

But looming over the gears of fate, their enemies follow the same prophesies.

With the unknown close upon them, Kingard and his allies face a mortal quest to restore their infected empire.

Read Chapter 1 and see Reviews.

Second Bookend:
Waking Up & Falling Down

Epilogue of Book I & Prologue of Book II

“Merry Mother, full of grace, thy name of form and time and space...”

The old prayer spilled from her lips in a breathless whisper, at once meaningless and comforting, some dusty ritual act that helped her cling to the world for precious seconds longer.


This two-part novella contains both the epilogue of Book One and the prologue of Book Two in the Chronicles of Mother's Gate series.

It is the second bookend of the Tales of the Known World saga, is best read after finishing the first book, Awakening.

Download the free sample!

Book of Epic Poetry:
Portents of Mother's Gate

Prophesy from the era arranged as epic poetry.

In a world rife with prophesy, the future is already written, and the predictions of yesteryear become the story books of today.

As the Chronicles of Mother's Gate unfold, scholars interpret portents old and new to decipher the future of the Known World and publish fresh details for an eager public.

This is a story book of that era, a contemporary publication of epic poetry recounting heroic deeds of the past, the present, and the coming future.

Read Sample Portents from the saga.

First Bookend:
Scribe Ascribed & Tribe Untied

Prologues of the First Chronicles & Book I

“I think we should hide, Darek.” Her deadly tone told him it was not a game this time. “You remember the rules?”

“No peeking and keep quiet,” he recited, his dark eyes shining with frightened tears as his mother pried up their special floor board and helped lower him down into the dark. “Can you hide with me?”

This two-part novella contains both the prologue to the Chronicles of Mother's Gate series and the prologue to the first book of that series.

It is the first bookend of the Tales of the Known World saga, and is best read before starting the first book, Awakening.

Download the free sample!

Book of Magic:
Magic Codex of the Known World

The complete taxonomy of magic from the saga.

Magic is prevalent in the Known World. With few exceptions, literally everyone has some sort of magic at her disposal.

Beyond these natural talents, there are magics that anyone can learn through study. As a result, magic plays a heavy role in everyday life for denizens of the Known World.

This codex is a comprehensive explanation of that magic system. Here, the myriad magics are organized and explored in logical groupings, from the basic properties of magic to the arcane unknown and the evils beyond.

Download the Magic Codex of the Known World:

Book Three: Conceived

A steadfast tale of self-creation.

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from this upcoming novel.

Burdened by grief and doomed by prophesy, the Light Master Jorn unites with unlikely cohorts to rally their forces and turn the tides of war.

But looming from the captured citadel, their enemies wreak Nine Hells on earth.

With the land in chaos, Jorn and his allies face an uphill battle to reclaim their sundered empire.

** Sneak peeks available. **

Book Four: Divine

A courageous tale of incredible triumph.

Infused with resolve and unhindered by prophesy, the Light Master Jorn and his unflinching envoys gather a determined army for one last assault.

But looming over the conquered nation, their enemies swell in number.

Without the forces to overthrow them, Jorn and his allies face a bloody crusade to revive their fallen empire.

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The TotKW Saga

My Tales of the Known World saga takes place in a fantasy world rife with magic, prophesy, elves, faeries, and a slew of other fantasy tropes that I've put my own unique spin on.

You can read more about my saga and its intended audience in the blog post What is TotKW?.

The novels explore themes of humanity, such as destiny and free will, the rise and fall of civilizations, good and evil, and the individual's journey to find purpose in the world. The series also probes many social constructs like inequality, tradition, propaganda, religion, fame, corruption, loyalty, and prejudice.

I intend Tales of the Known World to encompass all the stories that take place in this fantasy realm, whether they are directly connected or not. "The Known World" refers to the portion of the fantasy realm known to the peoples whom each story is about, as opposed to a single static map.

In addition to the different "Known Worlds" of various regions, the assorted peoples of the series have different cultures, practices, and magic abilities, as well as different religious and philosophical explanations for magic and life in general. You can check the Resources page for a complete directory of available notes and bonus content.

That's it for this page! Check out my latest stories for more.

Download the Chronicles of Mother's Gate here, or start your adventure below.

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